Special tasks cosmetics. Which one of them are best?

As it turns out, one cream is not enough to fully take care of your skin. If you care about beautiful skin of face, use specialistic cosmetics: moisturising face masks, nourishing serum and eye creams. Let’s see which products you should use to have beautiful face.

Face masks

With kaolin, peel-off, gel, sheet. These are still not all the types of face masks there are. Main task for this cosmetics is immediate nourishment, moisture, cleanse and general appearance improvement. Is your skin dry and irritated? Choose face masks with moisturising and calming ingredients in the composition (aloe, hyaluronic acid, honey, milk proteins). If you have some spider veins, try products with arnica, ginkgo and vitamin C. These ingredients will make walls of blood vessels stronger and prevent spider veins. However, if your problem is oily skin, use face masks with green clay. This substance holds cleansing, mattifying properties as well as regulates work of sebaceous glands.

Serum for all skin types

In its composition is plenty nourishing and active substances in high concentration. Liquid consistency of serum makes application easier and absorption faster. Match cosmetic with the skin type and age. For women in age 30+ best is serum, that can improve skin complexion and calm signs of fatigue. Ingredients for flattening wrinkles, lightening discolourations and firmer skin, are in cosmetics for women in age 40+. For women in age 50+ can come handy hyaluronic acid and stem cells.

Eye cream

Delicate and fine skin around eyes must be taken care of in a special way. Lack of sleep, drugs, low hydration level in organism, stress, use of wrong cosmetics. This all impacts bad skin condition around eyes. If your main problem are dark circles around eyes and bags, use cosmetics with gel consistency and strengthening ingredients. Puffiness can be eliminated with use of products for improvement of blood circulation. To flatten wrinkles and firm skin, try cream with antioxidants and stem cells.

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